Yesterday, I tweeted an image of a West Ham 2013-14 home kit that I created. This started a bit of a discussion about the possible look of the West Ham 2013-14 kits.
I then got tweeted this image by @LukeHines. He said that these are expected to be West Ham's shirts for the 2013-14 season.
red color is very useful & cool color i like your shirts design .
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Picky, I know, but if, according to Luke, "these are expected to be the shirt.." etc etc, why does the white one still show SBOBET as sponsor when we know that Alpari have the deal? I do like both shirts tho!
ReplyDeleteGot me thinking now! This season's dark blue away kit. Think I have only seen it worn a couple of times, if that. Do you have any info on why, Sam?
ReplyDeletethe one on the left is complete nonsense, Adidas don't use that style logo on football kits, and west Ham don't use the crest on football kits unless they have changed it for Adidas, which in turn makes the one on the right nonsense